Why You Should Start With Positive Affirmations

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and if not I hope you get better soon mentally, physically or spiritually. Today’s blog will be a brief one but still very empowering.

Personally I am a huge believer in the power of manifestation and the law of attraction. I understand that not everyone is, and that is totally okay. We are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. Up until recently, I never knew how much power speaking positivity into my life held. I’m sure you can’t have missed one or two posts about affirmations on social media platforms. I used to see them and say, “they’re just saying that.” I didn’t think it actually worked until I decided to try it out myself. I started affirming positive things in to my life and actually believing in them. The thing about affirming is you have to put a bit of work ethic into it.

If you want to be happy you have to stop the negative thinking, cut out all the negativity from your life and start doing things that make you happy. And when you affirm this, “I am happy, I receive abundance in my life, I attract everything I want”, things will start falling into place. The previous two weeks I have been in a content place with my life because I decided to stop worrying and stressing about everything and let the universe take its course and of course praying about it. A week ago I needed a huge amount of money for something important, and no, I didn’t want to tell my parents about it because they too have a lot on their plate. I came up with all possible strategies on how I would earn it but they still did not add up. So I opted to do the only other thing I could: pray about it and speak it into the universe.

I’m not saying the exact amount landed on my door the next day but I knew that in life we all need a little help, so I told my brother about it. Truth be told his business had crashed for sometime but he reassured me he’d see what he could do. I think I had forgotten about it for a while until a notification popped up on my phone. A lot of money had been sent to my account and I actually thought it was a mistake until my mum called me to confirm if I had received what I asked for. I was a bit taken aback but she told me that my brother had given her the money to send it to me. Maybe you’re not convinced enough, but I can tell you that in almost all the books I’ve read; the authors all talk about how they used the law of attraction to get to where they are right now and not just that but a lot of famous artists have testified to this too.

I am not suggesting that if you say you want to become a millionaire tomorrow you’ll get it just like that. You have to put in some faith and effort for the universe to start aligning things for you. You can attract good people, careers, abundance, success and literally anything you want. Start creating positive habits and write down what you want and the trick is to write as if you already have it. “I am”, not “I want.”

There is power in speaking out positivity.

Thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to like, share and comment with your thoughts on this.

Written by Lisa Njeri

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